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Buddhist Psychology , logic and debate Zuru Ling Mar 2014

The weekend of Saturday and Sunday March 29th & 30th sees Ven. Zasep Rinpoche leading a in-house teaching retreat on the use and value of Buddhist psychology, logic and debate. These fields are integral part of the Gelugpa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism – the Tradition of our Gaden For The West Community. Psychology, logic and debate are disciplines that teach Buddhist students about the nature of the mind – it’s powers, virtues and delusions – the arts with which to harness its powers and improve it – and the nature of Reality itself, that it is a product of thought and word. An amazing weekend open to all and a perfect balance of educational theory and practice.

Suggested donation:$10 5 mp3 files download 1 zip file

Buddhist psychology, logic and debate Weekend Zuru Ling March 29 30 2014

Retreats : Performing Mantra Retreats Zuru Ling Mar 2014

On Friday March 28th at 7pm, Rinpoche will give instructions and commentary on how to perform closed meditation retreats in the Tibetan Vajrayana Tradition of Buddhism. Closed “Approximation” and “Permission” meditation retreats, are a cornerstone of Vajrayana Buddhism and the way practitioners deepen their practice and achieve both spiritual insight and realization.

 Suggested donation: $3

Retreats : How to Perform Mantra Retreats Zuru Ling March 28 2014

Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation Zuru Ling March 26 2014

On Wed. March 26th at 7pm, Ven. Zasep Rinpoche will teach and lead practice on Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation. This teaching is open and beneficial to all. Vipassana is a famed Buddhist meditation technique of applying concentrated awareness to the mind itself which bestows greater inner peace and freedom upon the practitioner.

 Suggested donation: $3

Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation Zuru Ling March 26 2014

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Protected: Chittamani Tara Chittamani Tara teachings Nelson 2011 MP3/VIDEO

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