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Protected: Yamantaka Work Retreat Nelson July 2014
Mahamudra Practice and Lam Rim July 5 6 2014
Teachings on Lam Rim and Mahamudra Practice
During this in-house weekend retreat, Ven. Zasep Rinpoche will teach and lead meditations in two of the most important currents of practice in the Gelugpa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism: Lam Rim and Mahamudra. “Lam Rim” is the systematized, graduated program of practice of the entire teachings of Buddhism, created by our founder, the famed saint, Je Tsongkhapa. Presented as a practical toolbox and corpus of resources, “Lam Rim”gives you the means to truly live a “Buddhist Life”. Mahamudra or the system of meditation on the true nature of mind, is a sublime Buddhist path of practice that allows one to tame the mind, purify it of negativity and bitterness and plant the seeds of a deep blooming peace that is then expressed in your daily activities.
Suggested donation: $13 6 mp3 files download 1 zip file
Lorig and Nature of Mind Zuru Ling May 13 2104
This date sees Ven. Zasep Rinpoche teaching again on the use and value of Buddhist psychology, logic and debate. These fields are integral part of the Gelugpa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism – the Tradition of our Gaden For The West Community. Psychology, logic and debate are disciplines that teach Buddhist students about the nature of the mind – it’s powers, virtues and delusions – the arts with which to harness its powers and improve it – and the nature of Reality itself, that it is a product of thought and word.
Suggested donation: $3