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Soul Retrieval (La Gug) Inner Spirit Healing Mar 20 2016 ZL

Everyone has “La” (life energy/essence/soul). However, often due to the challenges and trauma that we encounter throughout life, parts of our “La” are weakened or lost. In the Tibetan teachings it is said that our “La” tries to find a safe place while wandering lost and confused. “Gug” means bringing back or restoring your “La.” Rinpoche will teach the ancient practice of “La-Gug” through visualization, ritual, and meditation on loving-kindness to help you bring back and strengthen your “La.” As our essence is restored we will feel more grounded, healthier, and happier in our day-to-day lives.

Pay what you want, suggested donation: $10    4 mp3 files download 1 zip file

Soul Retrieval (La Gug) Inner Spirit Healing Mar 20 2016 ZL

Medicine Buddha Practice Mar 19 2016 ZL

Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of healing and medicine in Mahāyāna Buddhism. He is described as a doctor who cures the suffering of all beings by using the medicine of his teachings. The practice of Medicine Buddha, the Supreme Healer is not only a very powerful method for healing and increasing healing powers both for oneself and others, but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance, thus to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.

Pay what you want, suggested donation: $2.5  2 mp4  files download 1 zip file

Medicine Buddha Practice Mar 19 2016 ZL

Mandala Offering Zuru Ling Dec 2 2105

In this talk Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche discusses the various types of Mandalas and the four types of Mandala Offerings with detailed explanation of each. Mandala offering is a foundation practice in the Gelug tradition and is accessible to all ages.The talk finishes with a demonstration of how to do Mandala Offering using a Mandala set and how to structure a daily Mandala Offering practice.

Pay what you want, suggested donation: $2.50  download 1 Mpeg 4 File

Mandala Offering Zuru Ling Dec 2 2105

Vajrasattva Sadhana Commentary Sept 20 2015 Zuru Ling

Vajrasattva is great Buddha of purification. Vajrasattva literally means, diamond like clear and powerful mind. The initiation of Vajrasattva is given by Lama for the students new or some one who has been practising Dharma for a while. Vajrasattva practise is also preparation for taking further high Tanric practises. Vajrasattva practise powerful method of purifying body speech and mind and Karmas of the past and present time. Once you received this initiation, you are qualified to do the sadhana and 100 syllable Mantra of Vajrsattva, which can be very powerful, it all depends on your motivation and dedication to the practice. Vajrasattva practice is one of the four foundation practices on the path of enlightenment of Buddha according toTibetan Buddhism. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to practice Vajrasattva meditation in this age.

Pay what you want, suggested donation: $10 4 mp3 files download 1 zip file

Vajrasattva Sadhana Commentary Sept 20 2015

Heart Sutra Teachings Nelson Aug 2015

This 8 day retreat will take place August 7th to August 15th 2015 and will include teachings and practice of the Heart Sutra.

The Heart Sutra is one of the most important sutras and the essence of Perfection of Wisdom Prajanaparamita Sutra. The Heart Sutra is a dialogue between Bodhisattva Avalokeshvara and Arhat Shariputra. Lord Buddha endorsed this sutra. The Heart Sutra is a most popular Sutra chanted everyday in the monasteries in Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan in order to increase Dharma realizations and wisdom. The Heart Sutra explains the true meaning of Shunyata. Rinpoche will teach us how to accomplish the realization of Shunyata perfect wisdom

Suggested donation: $20 all 10 mp3 in 1 zip file

Heart Sutra Nelson Aug 2015 Zip