Mahamudra 10 day Retreat Dec 2014 Australia Vajra Ling

Gelug/Kagyu Mahamudra Retreat according to The First Panchen Lama, Losang
Chokyi Gyaltsen
Saturday 6th – Sunday 14th December 2014

Mahamudra is not just meditation on emptiness and bliss. Mahamudra
meditation helps you to experience the realization of Samatha (perfect
concentration) and Shunyata (realising things as they really are which
brings freedom from suffering) and complete freedom beyond Samsaric mental
defilement and appreciation of how to be in the present moment with full

Complete recordings covering Commentary on The First Panchen Lama’s root text,
meditation sessions, Q & A and Heart Sutra commentary.

Pay what you want, suggested donation: $20 20 mp3 files download 1 zip file

Mahamudra Australia Retreat Dec 2014 Part 1

Pay what you want, suggested donation: $20 19 mp3 files download 1 zip file

Mahamudra Australia Retreat Dec 2014 Part 2